- #Basic tsm sniper string for free#
- #Basic tsm sniper string how to#
- #Basic tsm sniper string download#
As it keeps finding items, it will put them in a list where you can see more details and buy them out with just 2 clicks. The Buyout scan will search the first pages of the AH for items below market value and will show you their buyout price and the percentage of market value which that price represents.You the current date you are ready to start Sniping! To do it, just open the AH and select the "Sniper" option on the TSM module window. It updates its database several times a day and then sends the information to your TSM addon through the TSM_AppHelper.Īfter following the previous step, make sure that everything is working correctly with your TSM Desktop Appīy seeing if your data is updated (orange rectangle below). This app is where you will automatically obtain the market value of items for your server.
#Basic tsm sniper string for free#
(2) Register for free on the TSM website and install the TSM Desktop App by downloading it there. Personally I use the Twitch app to search for these addons and keep them updated.
#Basic tsm sniper string download#
Simply download the TradeSkillMaster and the TradeSkillMaster_AppHelper addons from your usual addon database. (1) Installing the addons should be a no-brainer for you. You need three things to make it work: the TSM4 addon, the TSM App Helper addon and the TSM Desktop App. Sounds amazing, right? Let me show you an easy way to get started using TSM Sniper, in just a few steps. Afterwards you can resell them at their actual market value and collect a great profit. Sniper is a TSM module that scans the first and last pages of the AH searching for items which are priced below their market value, allowing you to buy them out immediatly or make a bid on the last minutes.
#Basic tsm sniper string how to#
In this guide I will show how to set everything up in the most simple way. In your first 10 minutes using it you become overwhelmed with all the configurations required to make it work, but do not fear, I present you the How to Use TSM4 series, starting with one of its most famous features: Sniper.

You read stories about how lots of people are getting millions of gold with it and you decide to try it out. Keep in mind that once you build up a decent amount of gold, you’ll want to start flipping higher priced items to generate more income.So you're trying new methods to make gold in WoW and you come across this interesting addon called TradeSkillMaster also know as just TSM. This will let you flip cheaper stacks of materials quickly and generate plenty of gold to start investing in higher priced items. The major difference between this string and many others out there is that this one will include items below 500 gold, which is useful when you are just starting your journey as a goblin. This string was created by /u/TaishoPL on the /r/woweconomy, based on a string by BilisOnyxia. Using this string, I went from 800 gold to over 20k in liquid assets and over 80k in inventory on a level 46 toon in less than 3 days with no farming and barely any work.

Hey guys! I wanted to share the TSM Sniper string I’ve been using for the past few days in TSM3 for flipping smaller items and mats to build up initial capital for larger flipping investments.